Category Archives: Sony HDR Photography

Sunset Through The Flowers

By | Floral, HDR Software, Landscapes, Lightroom 4, Nature, Photography, Photomatix, Photoshop, Sony HDR Photography, Sony NEX5N, Topaz Adjust, Topaz Clarity, Virginia | No Comments


Sunset Through The Purple Vetch – Blue Ridge Parkway, VA

I took a trip up on the parkway to capture what turned out to be a beautiful sunset yesterday. The tree’s at the overlooks seems to block lots of the views and make for crappy photo’s. So coming up with a good composition is always a challenge! For this one I decide to lay down and shoot the sun rays through the small flowers on the ground. I used the Sony NEX-5N for this shot and captured 3 bracketed shots handheld, with the 18-55mm kit lens.

I then processed this shot using Photomatix Pro, Photoshop CS6, Lightroom, Topaz Labs Adjust and Clarity. If you haven’t seen my review on Topaz Clarity you should check it out! This is an excellent piece of software to make contrast adjustments in landscape photography.

Sunset Through The Purple Vetch

Purchase a Print of this Photo

Some of my landscape prints are available here.

Shooting From A New Perspective

By | HDR Photography, Landscapes, Photography, Sony HDR Photography, Sony NEX5N, Virginia | No Comments

Topaz Clarity Review Updated

I just added some new photographs to the Topaz Clarity Review and I added the promo code for 15% off all orders from Topaz Labs.

Shooting Landscapes From Underwater

I’ve been experimenting with some half underwater and above water shots lately, it’s harder than it sounds for sure. Getting the camera set at the right angle and finding a good composition are the two hardest things about it. These experiments have been fun and I’m definitely still learning every time I go out and shoot like this. Here’s a sneak peek of one of the images….


Rainy Day Photography

By | HDR Photography, HDR Software, Lightroom 4, Nature, Photography, Sony HDR Photography, Sony NEX5N, Topaz Adjust, Topaz Clarity, Virginia | No Comments

HDR Photography With The Sony NEX-5N


I’ve been trying to work on my eBook Photographing Bodies Of Water  which is going to be “A beginners guide to taking photographs of water” the past few weeks. Mother Nature must have other plans though, every time I plan to shoot it rains or storms… So I bought a waterproof housing for my Sony NEX5N now that won’t be a problem. 🙂 The housing allows me to use the 18-55mm kit lens and gives me full control of all the buttons on the camera other than adjusting the lens. So far the image quality looks great and I have no complaints! This camera I bought mainly for my walk around camera, but with the release of firmware version 1.02 now it has more use. With now being able to shoot a 3 frame bracket with up to 3ev exposure, HDR photography is now a reality. Sign up for my email list if you’d like to receive updates when my eBook is released!



Stiles Falls at Camp Altamons Shawsville, VA